(314) 202-2164
Corporate Sponsor On the Run a Wallis Company

is proud to help our Veterans by being the Corporate Sponsor of The Kaufman Fund.



Programs for Veterans

Food for Vets

Food insecurity is a significant and growing problem in America. Nearly 11% of U.S. households experience food insecurity at some point each year. For younger Veterans and their families, 27% report this problem of struggling to provide food for their families. Because of this extraordinary need, The Kaufman Fund created a program to support Veterans in need in our community. We hold 6 Food for Vets events each year, and have provided food for over 2300 Veterans and their families.

Next Food for Vets Saturday March 29th, registration opens February 28th.


Trees For Vets

In December 2014, The Kaufman Fund began their Trees for Vets program to give Christmas trees to Veterans and their families to enhance the holiday season. Over 2,500 trees have been given to these families.


If you would like to be a sponsor or help this program, contact:

Howard Berliner at howard@thekaufmanfund.org or 314-703-6306

Al Finkelstein al@thekaufmanfund.org or 314-497-8654


Tax Prep for Vets

The Kaufman Fund helps Veterans with filing their tax returns. Tax help is available during the tax season. The returns are done for free to Veterans. Tax Prep for Vets can prepare both federal and state taxes. However, The Kaufman Fund may not be able to do all returns requested due to complexity or IRS due diligence requirements. Tax Prep for Vets is done in partnership with local tax preparers and tax attorneys.

Veterans will be asked to provide all personal records needed to process a return. These include W2 forms, 1099 forms, business records, proof of residence for dependents being claimed, childcare information, along with social security numbers and date of birth for all individuals being claimed.

For more information about how to schedule a tax appointment (during tax season), email TKFTaxPrep@gmail.com or call 314-530-9182.

Artist First for Vets

The Kaufman Fund partners with Artists First to provide an expressive art program for Veterans. The Artists First for Veterans is on Monday evenings from 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm at the Artists First studios located at 7190 Manchester Road in Maplewood.

Artists First for Veterans is a drop-in, non-traditional creative support program for current and former military members that support the development of positive self-identity, self-expression, and community re-integration. No art experience is necessary.

Artists First has seen firsthand the healing effects art can have on individuals with a variety of needs such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and brain injury as well as for individuals who require a supportive outlet to process their unique experiences and personal stories.

According to research, art can help relieve depression and anxiety as well as to improve reality orientation. Expressive art can reactivate positive emotions, self-worth, self-esteem, and spirituality through self-reflection. https://www.americansforthearts.org/sites/default/files/RMveteransPTSD.pdf

Artists First


We Cannot Do It Alone

The Kaufman Fund
Copyright 2025 by The Kaufman Fund